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Teaching Plan

"The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today." - Franklin D. Roosevelt

Creating a lesson plan is a significant part of being an educator. A lesson plan is like a primary tool that teachers need inside the classroom as it provides the framwework of what will happen for the day or the week. 

The lesson plan samples provided were relatively easy to understand; even though they are different, the general structure is almost the same as what I am used to. I wrote the lesson plan following the topics of the given pets and farm animals. I used what the children were already familiar with and adjusted each lesson plan every session, depending on the kids' responses and the teacher's verbal feedback. 

Here are the samples of the instructional materials that I used during the demonstrations. I utilized a mix of traditional and tech-based. Personally, I am used to more concrete materials, but the children are more responsive when there is tech-based instructional material, such as greeting songs and the lesson proper. As for the activities and games, there was more movement around the classroom, and arts and crafts included.

However, it is essential to note that lesson plans cannot be highly rigid and extremely structured. It also has to be versatile. The delivery still has to be adjusted, thus make lesson plans that are flexible or prepare for the possible routes the class flow would go. 

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